Soundsright & PRSP Signs Historic MOA

There’s a good news for both the record producers and artists/performers as Sound Recording Rights Society, Inc. (SOUNDRIGHT) and Performers’ Right Society of the Philippines, Inc. (PRSP) signs a Memorandum of Agreement that will create a collecting body for royalties of record producers and artists/performers.

Under section 209 of the Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines (R.A. No. 8293), if a recording is used for commercial purpose, publicly performed with the intention of making or enhancing profit or broadcasted, a single renumeration for the performer/s, and the producer of the sound recording shall be paid by the music user to both the performer/s and the producer.

April 19, 2016 was a very historic day for both the record producers in the Philippines. It was the day of the signing of the Memorandum of Agreement between the two collective management organizations (CMO’s) of the record producers and the performers.

PRSP (L-R): Chairman Leo Martinez, President Mitch Valdes, VP Celeste Legazpi-Gallardo, Trustee John Lesaca

Sound Recording Rights Society, Inc. (SOUNDRIGHT) is the CMO of the record producers headed by its Chairman, Mr. Ramon Chuaying of Universal Records and President Atty. Marivic Benedicto of ABS-CBN Films Productions Inc. (formerly Star Recording). The Performers’ Right Society of the Philippines, Inc. (PRSP) is the CMO for the performers headed by Chairman Mr. Leo Martinez and President Ms. Mitch Valdes. Both CMOs were accredited by the Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines (IPOPH) under the leadership of Director General Josephine Santiago.

Performers’ Right Society of the Philippines, Inc. (PRSP) Chairman Mr. Leo Martinez

Under the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) there will be one collection of royalties for both the record producers and artists/performers making it easier for the music user to pay for royalties for the use of sound recordings in their business.

The Memorandum of Agreement objective would be:

  • To have a system for joint collection of royalties from music users.
  • To ensure that the respective members and copyright holders’ right are effectively enforced.
  • To make payments by the users of sound, music, and other similar recordings easier and avoid to pay multiple licenses for the same catalogue of music.

Examples of business or establishment which use sound recording to enhanced profits are restaurants, hotels, retail shops, shopping centers, mall, bars, performance venues, fitness centers, theme parks, tv/radio network, online streaming and webcasting music services, etc.

Performers’ Right Society of the Philippines, Inc. (PRSP) President Ms. Mitch Valdes

This MOA will provide for a system of joint collection by Sound Recording rights Socety, Inc. (SOUNDSRIGHT) and Performers’ Right Society of the Philippines (PRSP) of revenues from the music users. Both parties agree that SOUNDSRIGHT shall use its collection infrastructure to conduct the practical collection for its own behalf and on behalf of PRSP.

Sound Recording Rights Society, Inc. (SOUNDRIGHT) Chairman, Mr. Ramon Chuaying of Universal Records

The International Federation of Phonographic Industry (IFPI), which was represented by Regional Director KT Ang and Regional Licensing Manager Ceasar Apostol witnessed the event. IFPI has been very instrumental in making this historic event possible. Through this initiative, we can ensure that the respective members of both CMOs and copyright holders’ rights are effectively enforced.

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