Keeping your food products safe from tampering is a must during this Covid-19 pandemic

Dine-in at restaurants are now strictly prohibited. Food deliveries and take-outs are on the rise.
Home-cooked meals and dishes are also gaining momentum. A lot of people stuck in their houses are looking for alternative sources of income. Those same people who are stuck in their houses are also hungry to get a taste of the food from the outside world to restore some sense of normalcy in their lives.

But how safe is the food that we order and have been delivered to our home?

Is it safe from tampering and accidental spills?
Delivered food is just placed in food containers. Most of them are not even sealed. Unlike those things that you buy at stores like jams, bread, and other food items.

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But why are food deliveries not secured? Is it because Tamper Evident Stickers are costly? Or is it because it’s hard to find ways to secure the containers to be tamper-proof? Keeping food safe from tampering is the best feature of SecureLabels from Dragonfly Printing Services.
With costs for labels reaching as low as 1 peso per piece, securing your food deliveries from accidental spills and tampering has never been easier.
Some common sizes of labels are the following:

Ordering your Securelabels is also easy as 1-2-3.
Just go to, choose what you need, pay via Paypal and you’re all set!
For other inquiries and concerns, you can contact them at
02-8713-0168 | 02-8516-0182

I live with the mantra that "ambition without knowledge is like a boat in a dry land." In many ways I strive to be the best I can. I'm adventurous, genuine, generous warm spirited, eager to jump in action, and is driven by the desire of being loved and admired.

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